Owner of Canvas Organics Cannabis Dispensary
In our 8 years of retailing cannabis in Albuquerque, we have not done delivery, until recently with our Canvas Organics Dispensary using Priscotty. We were skeptical at first; however, cannabis deliveries are being made every day in a timely manner. We look forward to growing with Priscotty to help us reach new customers and sell more marijuana products in this competitive New Mexico market.

Owner of Canvas Organics Cannabis Dispensary
Priscotty's cannabis delivery program helped to broaden our market reach by providing a fast and friendly weed delivery service to our customers. As a cannabis dispensary operator in a saturated New Mexico market, adding delivery service to our portfolio was the right thing to do. Onboarding was simple, and we are now able to capture new business outside of our immediate area, allowing us to target more customers in Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, Corrales, Bernalillo and other parts of the ABQ New Mexico.

Owner of Elements Weed Dispensary
We were skeptical at first of using Priscotty's cannabis delivery service, since we are so new to the industry. After thinking about it, we thought it would the right move for us and the growth we were looking for. This helps us to offer a unique service that some dispensaries don’t have and it helps set us apart. Our main focus is to provide our weed products to the medical patients of Albuquerque and East Mountains. We are thankful to have the opportunity to partner with them! They help us make our cannabis more accessable.